We Made it to 2020!!! Now what?

Happy New Year!!! I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and are looking forward to the coming year as much as I am. Honestly, I couldn’t be more relieved to put the holidays behind me this year. Not because I didn’t enjoy them, in fact, everything came together beautifully, but because it was such a stressful time for me. Aside from being spectacularly busy, my father had emergency heart surgery and the daily updates sent me on quite an emotional rollercoaster. But something good came out of all the stress and hoopla…my resolution.
This year I am all about priorities. The thing is, I would truly love to do it all, but I am learning it’s just not possible — at least not all at once! It’s gotten to the point where I am not giving my best to the things that matter most, which is just unacceptable. Even when it comes to my personal endeavors I am woefully falling behind; I have several blogs I started that remain in draft mode and several songs half-written or half-produced. And I know it is because I’m doing too many things I don’t feel called to right now.
So my first order of business was to list all the things that excite me most in the year to come…the things I feel ambitious about and know I can contribute to in significant ways. After reviewing the list of cuts I felt a burden lift and my hope returning. My energy to get started has been renewed! And that is the value of reassessing your life at the end of one year and moving into the next.
Now the part I am looking forward to the least — saying ‘no’. UGH! Honestly, I hate disappointing people, but this is a necessary step in prioritizing and one I continually need to practice. So I think to help aid me in this reminder, I am going to write out my mission statement for the year, list the things I want to focus on and look at it whenever a new request comes my way. And I will ask myself, “Does this fit within the criteria of what I am working to accomplish right now?”
Hopefully, that will make all the difference and may even inspire some others out there who are struggling in this area as well. And whatever your resolution is, no matter how big or small, if it helps you grow in character it’s a worthy aspiration. And even if it fades into the background, as New Year’s resolutions often do, it’s still bound to start you off on a better track than the one you left behind. So rejoice in new beginnings! I guess I’ll start by packing away all this Christmas decor…
“Do not despise the day of small beginnings” -Zechariah 4:10
“Behold, I am making all things new” -Revelation 21:5