Unexpected Blessings
Today I submitted a story of the first time we met our beloved dog, Minnie, to The Animal Rescue Site. Understandably, they have a 300 word limit, so while that version is condensed, I started with a longer version that I thought I would share here…

Growing up in a large family, my parents never allowed us to have pets. As soon as my husband and I got married we got a cat. That cat ended up being my sweetest buddy and I cried like a baby when he passed away. Thankfully we had gotten a sweet kitty a few years before to keep me company and that was basically the only pets I’d even known, with the exception of a fish and hamster.
I would never have considered myself a dog person, but I was curious to own one someday. They scared me a little, as I found them intimidating, just as a childless person holding a newborn. I didn’t know what to do with them! All I knew is that ever since I saw a Samoyed as a child that was the dog for me.
My husband and I live in an apartment that only allows dogs under 25 pounds, so a Samoyed was out of the question, but I felt ready to finally get a dog of my very own. The next best thing seemed to be an American Eskimo, so I decided to look for a rescue or one in need of a home that was at least 2 years old. I wasn’t sure I was ready for a puppy quite yet.
Unexpectedly I came across an ad on Craigslist that appeared to be just what we were looking for! We called the number and were told to come on over. Once we got there we were dismayed at the living conditions. The people were nice enough, but the home was filthy and crowded. The American Eskimo, however, was gorgeous. At first glance I was certain this was the dog for us, but as we talked to the owners we soon discovered its hostility toward cats. In fact, it could be classified as a cat KILLER! Well, that settled it, our search would continue.
Just as we were about to leave, they told us about a puppy they were also trying to find a home for. Apparently they didn’t have time for her, and by the looks of her unkempt, dirty fur, was quite neglected. Well, I couldn’t be less interested. I knew exactly what I was looking for! Then suddenly, out of nowhere came bounding an adorable pup with black fur and floppy ears. She immediately took to us and rolled around, licking our hands and sat on our feet. I knew I better get out of there, if I was going to avoid succumbing to her charms. But succumb we did!
As we went down to the steps and got in the car, the puppy followed us and sat outside the door. Staring expectedly; with those cute little ears blowing in the wind. I looked at my husband and said, ‘I can’t believe it, I am taking her home’. And we aptly named her Minnie.
Since that day Minnie has been a tremendous source of joy for us both. Though she wasn’t trained in any sense, she quickly learned. It was difficult for this first time dog owner, but completely worth it. She has turned out to be a wonderful pet who brings joy to everyone she comes in contact with; a fun, affectionate, sweet and playful companion. More importantly, NOT a cat killer! Now I couldn’t imagine life without her. She helped me to realize that sometimes it’s the thing you don’t plan for that can be the best thing that ever happened to you.