Tagged: thoughts

The Virtue of Struggle

To whom it may concern… I’m a woman and surprise, surprise, life has not always been fair to me. But guess what? I don’t care. Who is life fair for,...

Resisting a Life of Mediocrity

Article originally published through Doorway Publishing Oscar Wilde once wrote, “To be popular one must be a mediocrity.” The first time I ever thought about this word “mediocrity” was in...

Time Enough At Last

I wish we could give the gift of time like we give gift cards. For instance, when someone gives you cash it’s easy to feel you have to be responsible...

Home, Imperfect, Home

As a person who has moved a lot in my life, I’ve become sort of a professional church hunter. It’s actually not a title that gives me any satisfaction, as...

The Ultimate April Fool’s Joke

Too bad Good Friday doesn’t land on April 1st. What better way could there be to commemorate the greatest April Fool’s Joke of all time? As Jesus hung upon the...