Tagged: God

Seeing is Believing

My mom recently had cataract surgery on both eyes. Before the surgery, her sight was extremely limiting her ability to properly assess things around her. Once she could see again...

With Gratitude…

It’s quite fashionable to attack the church these days, to point out its shortcomings, mock its values, or try to write it off as completely irrelevant to the Christian experience,...

Spoiled Again!

I love sharing the amazing little things God does. It’s not always the big miracle, but it’s the more personal ways he shows He cares about the things that matter...

What You Think You Know

Imagine if you will, what it would be like to be born in a small village, in the middle of nowhere with no technology or communication with anyone outside that...

Overcoming Fear Through Song

I was listening to an old worship song we used to sing at my old church in Troy, MI (goodness it made me feel nostalgic). It’s “Made Me Glad” by...