Seeking Balance

Sometimes it’s difficult to find balance in life, but balance is what I seek in all areas. When it comes to our time, it’s always a challenge to reach that middle ground between doing too much and doing too little, but still, I strive to find it one nudge at a time. At the moment I am thankful that God has allowed me to be in a situation where I am able to devote so much time to work, ministry and relationships. While these are all things I deeply value, I am also incredibly cautious not to overextend myself to avoid suffering burn out. So far I’ve done well to know when I’m reaching my limit, but lately, there is one area of neglect that I can’t seem to find time for…music.
My album, Bewildered, should have wrapped up ages ago. With most of the instrumentals completed or near completion it shouldn’t have required much time to do so, but there it sits. It’s not that I’m concerned with its potential success, because honestly, I am the worst self-promoter of all-time, but it’s something that I need to do for me. Making music fills my tank in a way that little else can. Sure, my greatest hope for my music is that it has the ability to touch someone’s life, but for the most part, it is a somewhat selfish endeavor. I’m not ashamed to admit it either. I think we all need an outlet that allows us to pursue our passions without expectation from others. As long as our entire lives aren’t self-focused it can be an excellent source of rejuvenation for us so that we may continue other tasks without feeling drained. Sure, success may emerge as a result, but it doesn’t always have to be our motivation.
In my own case, making music gives me an opportunity to work through feelings I would otherwise neglect. I am not one who easily expresses a lot of outward emotion, so it’s even vital for me at times to have that safe place to explore them. When you remove the pressure of the need for success it also keeps the art pure. I find journaling helps as well, but nothing is so satisfying as putting words to melody because music is what I am most passionate about. Not to mention it acts as a marker for a point in time that I can revisit and reinterpret at will.
As it is, I have spent so much of my life listening to a variety of great music with meaningful lyrics. This too has given me the emotional outlet I need, but it also planted a desire in me at an early age to participate. We are creative beings and because of my deep love for music I want to be more than just a bystander; I want to take an active role in contributing to the musical landscape in a way that is uniquely my own. When that’s not happening I feel incomplete, but unfortunately, my personal endeavors are usually the first thing to suffer when duty calls. Thankfully I’ve still found the time to write the occasional song, but there is something about having a finished piece that is most satisfying. Only then can I truly release it and move onto the next thing.
So what is your passion or outlet that fills you when your tank is running low? For anyone feeling overwhelmed by the responsibilities of life, I encourage you to make it a priority to set aside time to indulge in that thing. I certainly feel a need to carve out more opportunities to do so, which I plan to do in the coming weeks and months ahead. It may be challenging, but ultimately I know I’ll be the better for it in other areas of my life and perhaps one step closer to achieving the balance I so desire!
Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. -Colossians 3:17