My Top 10 Christmas Films
Christmas is 2 days away, so I thought I would post my top 10 Christmas films. These are movies I watch just about every year and each hold some sentimental value as well. Of course it was difficult to narrow down as there are so many I enjoy, but I did my best and here they are!

This is probably my favorite Holiday special of all-time. It’s almost melancholy and the animation is second rate, but there is something so sweet and simple in how it depicts the true meaning of Christmas. Who can ever forget Snoopy’s lights & display contest, Linus’ speech or Charlie Brown’s little tree? And nothing can top the soundtrack provided by the late, great Vince Guaraldi.

Well, this is sort of a no-brainer. We’re talking James Stewart and Frank Capra at their best! Believe it or not though, this is one I don’t usually watch at Christmas, but some other time of the year when I’m longing for a bit of Christmas. It’s more than just a Holiday film to me, but a reminder to appreciate the life you are given.

So I cheated a little and lumped the first and second Home Alone together. Let’s face it, outside of a different setting these are practically the same movie. Though when I was young I originally enjoyed them because of the slapstick, over the years I have grown to appreciate the more sentimental moments the most. I also think they have amazing soundtracks, especially the John Williams compositions.

I love just about everything Jim Henson ever laid his finger on, but if I had to narrow it down to one Henson Christmas film, this would have to be it. I love the sweet simplicity of the story and the almost completely non-Holiday theme music. The tale is similar to another Christmas favorite, ‘The Gift of the Magi’, in the sacrifice that is made to give the perfect gift, but there is also something very genuine about the characters and their love for one another.

Just about got this one memorized line by line, and yet it still makes me laugh everytime. Coming from a large family, I know a little something about Christmas chaos. Funny how you never stop hoping for an ideal Christmas with no drama. I too tend to idealize things and often try too hard to make every special event perfect. Perhaps there is a bit of Griswold in us all!

This movie is just adorable. Even though it’s set in the 40s, it beautifully captures the child’s mind and how they see the world. It’s timeless in that it could be set in any time and not lose a bit of charm. Everyone remembers that toy they just had to have. This movie depicts that in the most hilarious way with many memorable scenes that make it worth watching again and again!

There are dozens of popular versions of this Dicken’s classic, and I love just about all of them, yet this one remains my sentimental favorite. It was the first version I saw as a child and it set the standard in under 30 min. Other favorite versions include, ‘Muppet Christmas Carol’, ‘Scrooged’ (starring Bill Murray) & the one starring George C. Scott.

I adore Bing Crosby and what Holiday would be complete without him? This Irving Berlin classic was made as a follow-up to another favorite, ‘Holiday Inn’, but where it differs is that it focuses solely on Christmas. Though the musical numbers certainly don’t focus solely on Christmas, but all are catchy and fun. There’s no deep message here, just a cute little tale of boys meet girls.

Rankin & Bass have several essential Christmas specials, but I think Rudolph demonstrates the best of their world in that the writing is top notch, the character design is excellent and the songs are catchy. The main character goes through so many relateable emotions too…rejection, fear, courage, triumph etc. Rankin & Bass had a way of bringing these classic Holiday icons to life and making you believe that this is their story.

This Disney film from the 80s is sort of a forgotten Christmas treasure. The mood is a bit somber and on the depressing side, but it’s real for many people. When you grow up it’s so easy to lose the magic of Christmas because you are caught up in the stress of the Holiday season. At this point in time many people are going through financial struggle and worry about paying the bills, let alone shopping for gifts. So much is expected from us, but sometimes we need to be reminded that it’s really about spending time with the people you love, appreciating what you do have and extending kindness to others who are in even greater need.