Happy New Year 2017!

Happy New Year! I trust everyone is welcoming the idea of a fresh start in 2017. I know I am anyway! This past year was chock full of challenges and only now am I beginning to feel some relief. There are still some things to sort through, but I am looking forward to what this new year brings. In terms of music, I would really love to get my next album, “Bewildered”, finished and released. I’ve made plans like this before, but it’s still good to have goals.
On a personal level I’m not really sure what my goals are. I guess I am open to seeing what’s next! Now that we are settling into our new home, I am excited about the relationships we are building. Not only family, but also new friends we have welcomed into our lives. I am extremely thankful for our new church and its really beginning to feel like home. That is such a big deal, I can’t even tell you! Outside of a married group we were really plugged into, we had an incredibly difficult time getting settled into a home church while living in San Diego. I suppose I could blame it on various factors, but mostly we just couldn’t get settled. It’s most likely a large factor in what led to us leaving. We had to decide to either plant some serious roots or move on…and you know the rest.
Well, I can’t say that moving back to Michigan wasn’t without its challenges, but somehow it feels right. That’s not to say I would never consider a move back to San Diego, in fact nothing would please me more than if I could be in two places at once, but for now this is where we’re planted. It’s been a little over a year since we bought our home and we truly love it. One thing is for sure, it’s hosted a lot of people in that time, so my prayer that it would be filled with family certainly came to pass.
So what do I plan to do to kick off this brand new year? Well, for one, what everyone else does…take off the holiday weight! Actually, I’ve already done that, but would like to continue in that effort. But also start doing some things around the house that we’ve put off, starting with painting a few rooms. This weekend we will start on the office/studio, which is in terrible need of a some character. I suppose that’s as good a place to start as any. I hope that your coming year is also blessed and fruitful…and filled with music!

Much Love,
Jakki Jelene