Finished, Not Perfect

I came across this video on Facebook a while back and it was just the kick in the pants I needed to continue on with a few projects I’ve been dragging my feet on. As a self-proclaimed perfectionist, I can’t tell you how often I’ve struggled with the idea that I shouldn’t release something that isn’t what I deem ‘perfect’.
That’s not to say you shouldn’t strive for excellence in your work, but the truth is, many of us place expectations on ourselves beyond our capabilities at that time. We want to be at a level we just haven’t reached, but with time and experience, perhaps we may be there some day. But first, that requires progress.
This not only applies to traditional art, but music, writing, building…whatever it is that God gave you the passion to do! I needed this reminder to finish the work and move on and there is no shortage of mountains to conquer!