Desiring Beauty
Article originally publishing on Doorway Publishing

Since practically the dawning of time, our world has been ruled by madness. Now more than ever we are bombarded daily with the ugliness that persists. It was always here, but technology brings so much more of it to light and perpetuates it. It’s enough to wreak havoc on a weary 21st-century soul.
So then, is life really what you make of it? I believe there is a measure of truth to that. We don’t need to bury our heads in the sand, but perhaps we can be more proactive in shaping our perceptions of reality. Despite living in a deeply flawed world there is still much beauty to be found, but it often takes a person who is willing to seek it out. To “stop and smell the roses”, so to speak.
This requires initiative on our part, but it’s definitely worth the effort! Beauty is what makes life worth living and I aim to seek it wherever I can. What kind of beauty am I speaking of? Not the superficial kind you find on magazine covers, Instagram and Tinder. That is often nothing more than vanity or a mask to hide insecurity. I am talking about beauty that is intrinsic and reflects the light of the One who is beauty itself. It comes in many forms; most commonly in Creation, creative expression, and human interaction.
So then, what are some ways to truly embrace all things lovely? For myself, I like to immerse myself in things that have great depth of meaning. I almost said “uplifting” but there is beauty to be found even in the sad and melancholy. Consider a moving piece of music or the embrace of a friend during a difficult time. For the believer, there is nothing in heaven and earth more beautiful than the love displayed by Christ on the cross. A devastating scene indeed! Therefore, beauty is always within reach in almost every aspect of life. Here are more examples where it can be discovered…
Music: Music is more portable than ever, so I am never more than a touch screen away from something soul-stirring. Music that evokes every type of emotion and has the ability to mark a significant moment, transport you back in time, or inspire thoughts for the future. It is also a participation sport for me, so I find it allows for my own expression of beauty, whether through worship or songwriting.
Literature: Life is too short for grocery store romances and gossip magazines. Give me scripture, classic literature, poetry, fairy tales, adventure, and compelling stories of real-life experiences. Something that elevates, inspires, and is meaningful! Beautiful language is increasingly becoming a lost art in the age of texting and lower education standards, yet it has incredible power to move people. It is what influences my own writing as I strive to match the impact it has on me.
Film: So many choices, and yeah we all have our guilty pleasures, but there is something magical about a truly great movie! Whether it’s top-notch directing, acting, character development, script writing, a moving score, or even a beautiful love scene, a well-crafted film can have tremendous impact on the viewer! I can even say there are a handful of films that changed my life.
Art: I enjoy many art styles, but there is something jaw-dropping about a painting or sculpture that seems to exceed the perceived limits of human ability. The skill, the time, the resources, and often little reward that went into producing such a masterpiece can be astounding. While we may be losing appreciation for classical and baroque styles, art is more accessible than ever as the internet allows artists to share their work and develop their skills much more rapidly than in the past.
Nature: It usually requires us to look no further than out our window, appreciating our surroundings on our daily commute, or taking a leisurely stroll through a park. In the rush of life, it benefits all who take the time to slow down and enjoy the little wonders. Watching a squirrel gather nuts in fall, tasting snowflakes on your tongue in winter, the smell of fresh lilacs in spring, the sound of waves crashing along the shore in summer. There is no limit to that which can be appreciated in creation as there’s something for everyone…even the harshest critic!
Architecture: This may seem a surprising addition, but like nature, beautiful architecture can craft some stunning views. In fact, the two beautifully go hand in hand! I especially love the sight of lights it adds to a sweeping evening skyline. There is also something about seeing the restoration of a charming building from a bygone era. Of course, nothing made by human hands can ever truly compete with the mastery of God’s creation, but it sure is a privilege to stand alongside it!
Food: Now this may seem like one we don’t lack appreciation for, but let’s face it, we consume a lot of junk in our mad rush of life. There is certainly something to be said about savoring a well-made meal or a fresh cup of your favorite gourmet coffee. Why do you think the Food Network is so popular? There is such an endless combination of flavors to sample and people can’t help but salivate over the beauty of delicacies and confections that a bit of heart and soul went into the making of.
Relationships: I saved the best for last. Why do I say that? Because there is nothing that encapsulates beauty quite like the relationships in our lives. Whether it be as a lover, mother, father, son, daughter, sibling, or friend, this is the most fulfilling aspect of human existence. It is where love truly bears out. It is what inspires all the music, literature, film, and art we enjoy. It is through shared experiences that we most enjoy nature, architecture, and food. It is literally the only thing we have the ability to take with us into eternity. It is within these relationships that we truly have the opportunity to grow, to serve another, and find purpose in life.
These are only a few small ways I embrace the goodness around me, but there are plenty of others that are specific to each individual. And while seeking beauty doesn’t mean that evil will cease to exist, or that we won’t even fall victim to it, we have a choice whether or not we allow it to overrule us. It need not define our daily existence or be the focus of our outlook on life, only something we merely acknowledge exists and needs to be eradicated. Prioritizing beauty in our life can have a profound effect on our own output in the world. They say, “you are what you eat”, and that includes what you feed your mind!
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” —Philippians 4:8