Art Is Progression

Yesterday I was scrolling through one of my social media feeds when I saw a friend posted photos of some fabulous fall-themed items she crocheted. I am always impressed with her designs, so naturally, I complimented her latest masterpieces. Like so many of us, her first instincts was to downplay her talents to which I simply affirmed my initial praise, secretly wondering how on earth she could not see how fantastic her work is!
Well, it wasn’t long before my own hypocrisy was revealed. I’ve been a hobbyist photographer for some time, and due to getting a little influx of cash from graphic design jobs, I decided to finally invest in a DSLR to take my hobby to the next level. Not only because my interest in photography has grown, but also to help with future graphic design jobs. Based on suggestions from those who liked my work I figured it was also time to create a new Instagram account dedicated to my Michigan adventures under the aptly named, Michigan Coastal.
Well, since creating the account I began following some of the most well known Michigan photographers and was quickly humbled by their skills. I suddenly began to scrutinize my own photos, even those which had previously received encouraging comments and shares on official travel bureau pages, but like my friend, I began to experience the self-doubt that easily comes when you surround yourself with the best of the best. It’s easy to lose perspective and begin the comparison game when your nose is pressed that close to the glass. But the truth is, most people are not as focused on your craft as you are and are not comparing you to all the top performers in your field. They are taking what you present at face value and their compliments are sincere!
So I learned a few things at that moment that I want to pass on to other creative folks who experience the same temptation to undermine your talents. I will tell you the same thing I told my friend who lamented she was still a “work in progress” — art is progression! It doesn’t matter how naturally gifted a person is, there is always an opportunity for improvement. That does not take away from your talent today one bit! Instead, rejoice that you are raising your expectations of yourself because that probably means you are hitting important milestones.
Don’t be discouraged that others are further along in their journey. There may be many factors involved — more time invested, better tools and equipment, mentoring, and yes, even natural talent — but there is always room for one more at the table! In fact, there are probably other people out there that wish they were as good as you! Be an encouragement to them while simultaneously engaging those you wish to learn from. Because when it comes to art, you never arrive. There is no final destination…only expression of who you are at any given moment. May you progress as a person as well as in your craft!
“Every artist was first an amateur” – Ralph Waldo Emerson